Being in the Present equates
to "Awareness." No ceremony can occur unless the participants consciously
know about it, agree to its significance, and are willing to be involved.
Ceremony requires each of us to consciously desire to give of ourselves
because we believe it to be important, in some way, to fulfill our self:
a feeding for something inside us. One of our "bodies" wants to connect
with something for nourishment and growth. Imagine the awareness element
as the self reaching out for something that can be brought back into itself.
The element we bring back to ourself, the awareness we gain by being fully
present, is very empowering. When our awareness is vaster our joy and pleasure
is likened to a celebration, a feast, and a party.
For us, spiritual ceremony fills each
of our bodies with nourishment to an extent greater than vitamins, diet,
exercise or study could accomplish. It gives the connection to our central
system that, in turn, feeds the rest of us. It offers a complete, holistic
program that when used appropriately, and with discernment, is free of
additives, negative side effects, government regulation, and popularity/social
stigma concerns (use of discernment recommended).
Ceremony is a wonderful way for
each of us to stay healthy and grow. We have found that it can quite simply
mean the difference between living and existing. No "home" can be complete
without it.
In Oneness,
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